Six Possible Setback to Overcome: The key to overcoming common mistakes that hold people back from achieving their mission!
#1 All-or-nothing Mind-set
Wanting to be 100% perfect with training and nutrition.
Solution: Enforce the 80/20 Rule
Stick to the plan 80% of the time, enjoy a little dark chocolate or day off if need be.
#2 Thinking, “I’m on a Diet”
Setting a big goal for an event, vacation, etc. then returning to old habits afterwards.
Solution: Make the Short-Term Long-Term
Building a lifestyle is key. Identify major exercise and eating weaknesses, then address them slowly.
#3 “I Don’t Enjoy Exercise”
What is the hype about? I don’t understand why everyone loves exercise. I must force myself to do it.
Solution: Just Move
Exercise boosts your mood. Even simply walking your dog around the neighborhood can make you feel better. Walking with a friend can make the time go by faster. Walking burns calories!
#4 Forgetting to Have Fun
Day after day I follow the plan, sweat buckets, and I’m burnt out.
Solution: Plan to Include FUN!
Finding something you love that makes you move. Occasionally stepping away and just doing something fun!
#5 Poor Planning
Just throwing out generalized goals like “I want to get in shape,” or “I want to lose weight.”
Solution: Identify the “WHY”
Sitting down and making the general specific. What does healthy mean to you. The why helps motivate you why not to give up!
#6 Setting Huge Goals
Big fitness goals can seem far into the future, so give yourself some credit along the way.
Solution: Small Goals and Reward Yourself
Reward yourself with a water bottle, foam roller, workout clothes, etc.